Colasoft Knowledge Base Technical Problems and Errors Activation Error - 912

Activation Error - 912

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"Error 912: You have reached your machine activation limit. Please uninstall Capsa on the previous device."

This error is often shown with online activation. Every license for Capsa network analyzer is limited to activate a certain number of machine, and the total activation time is set to every machine. So when you reach any of the limitation, you have to contact us to unlock your license. Please send your license information, including serial number and company name to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to ask for unlock.



0 #2 Colasoft 2011-10-28 05:40
Quoting Tom Harrigan:
I just upgraded my network with a new gigabyte switch and now when I try to open my Capsa Network Analyzer it wants to re-activate and then fails. Error 908: The serial number is on hold.
The software has been running fine on this pc for over 2 weeks! What has happened to cause a problem now and how can I fix the activation problem? Thanks for your help!

Hi Tom,

Our tech support has replied you by email.
+2 #1 Tom Harrigan 2011-10-26 07:54
I just upgraded my network with a new gigabyte switch and now when I try to open my Capsa Network Analyzer it wants to re-activate and then fails. Error 908: The serial number is on hold.
The software has been running fine on this pc for over 2 weeks! What has happened to cause a problem now and how can I fix the activation problem? Thanks for your help!

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